Friday, 2 November 2012

Schools' Conference so of God

Discipleship and mentorship is important in spiritual growth
We had prepared the first BOC - YP Schools Conference  for the students to call for God's protection as the Students prepared for exams, but hey, that was for us, but God had a better plan.

It turned out to be more than that. It became a moment of earnest seeking of God's grace and anointing to see through each day. What we had introduced, or rather, what god introduced was not just a day to pray for the examinations, but for some, it became a day for turning to God fully and trusting him for their lives.

For others, it became a turning point, a day of realisation of the pain, the anger, the hurt they had for a long time suppressed in their hearts; for others, it was a day of deliverance from the grip of the evil one.